The Conduction or "Lead" At Football
It is the technique that the player does on having controlled and to handle the ball in his to roll about the area of game. Importantly the progression in his education, that is to say from the slow and simple thing to the rapid and superior thing.
The conduction is a technique basically offensive, that is in use for taking the ball of a point to other one, looking for superiority, to open spaces ... to obtain the principal aim of the football, score to goal.
To lead the ball, there is in use normally the exterior part of the dominant foot, this happens in high level, since in low categories it is more complicated that it is like that. But anyhow there must train which is the correct way of doing this action.
Some bases for the correct development of this skill:
"To "caress" the ball. (Precision of I throb and force applied to the ball).
The vision between space and the ball. (The vision and control at all time of the ball, opponents and companions). Peripheral vision.
The need of his protection. (To support the possession of the ball).
A good conduction has to be done by the elevated head, without being looking constant at the ball, in addition both legs have to be in use. Short touches must be realized not to lose the control of the ball and it is necessary to go as quick as possible.
Gareth Bale Rules!!